About me

My name's Marta Romero, I'm General Health Psychologist. Throughout my career I have been trained in Gestalt therapy, and specialized in gender violence intervention, addictions and eating disorders.

In addition, I am a Yoga instructor. So I use this tool for my own benefit and for the benefit of my patients.

My work approach is Integrative, understanding and accompanying the whole person: affective, behavioral, cognitive, physiological, as well as their creativity and spirituality. My goal as a psychotherapist is to help each person to enhance his/her ability to become aware of one's own emotions.

How do I work? Through cognitive-behavioral techniques (focused on reducing the most visible symptoms and promoting alternative behaviors), humanistic techniques (discovering one's own strengths, and promoting self-acceptance and personal fulfillment) and third generation techniques (understanding and accepting the context in which each person is).

Over the years, I have worked with different clinics, therapy centers and associations where I have been able to accompany through different therapeutic processes: individual sessions, couples and therapeutic group workshops.

Thanks to continuous trainings and my personal work, I began to understand, more and more, that continuous updating, self-knowledge and personal development bring me closer to the possibility of connecting with the reality of my patients. In fact, what I am most passionate about in my profession is the attitude of presence that the clinic requires, forcing me to be present in the here and now.


”Certain supports are necessary and essential. Other supports are desirable and probably helpful. Lack of essential support always results in anxiety. That is really anxiety.”
- Laura Perls